Dec 7, 2011

Food Photography

Food Photography
What do you think when you hear someone says the word “photography”? Lately, it has been a new trend, new hobby. In my college, for example, a lot of students do attempts to enter photography club. Every day, I always meet or just look from distance someone brings DSLR camera. Actually, I’m also interested in it, but not in the act to take picture. I’m fond of seeing the picture, especially if it is really touching or something that I like. Then, food photography seems to be my favorite since I love looking at food. So, what is food photography? *(I just know it a moment ago. The following is the explanation…)

Food photography is a way to get an attractive photograph which is used in advertisement. Some people believe that this kind of photography is the most difficult one. Why do they say so? That is because when someone takes food photograph, they need to do it quickly. If they don’t, the picture won’t be good. For example, the ice cream may melt; the steak may look pale and others. Darren Rowse an editor of Digital Photography School stated that being prepared and knowing what you want to achieve before the food come out from kitchen is really important.
Basically, there are three types of food photography. They are:
1.         Packaging - Food photography
Among the three, packaging tends to be the most technical, boring, and tidy. Strict rules in advertising make everyone involved in the process.  Lighting must be relatively flat to show maximum detail, and definitely there is not any place for special effects.  Your job is to show the food in a realistic, favorable way. You must get pictures that perfectly matching with layout that is given by Art Director.
2.         Advertising food photography
This category of food photography is a broad “catch all” category that includes actual food ads, menus, product brochures, and possibly billboards. It tends to be less tedious than packaging, but still can be quite restrictive because of layout parameters. 
3.         Editorial food photography
This is the type that most food photographers love the most.  The most important thing is making a beautiful image.  Instead of making the picture matching with layout, you just need to make the viewer say “Wow!”  
For you that interested in photography, I suggest you to take this type. Why? That is because there is a lot of people involve in other kind of photography. Besides, with food photography, you can earn money. This is a testimony by Toni Wahid (notice: He is not a member of Alm. Abdurrahman Wahid.):
Tidak banyak orang yang menekuni profesi sebagai food photographer atau tukang potret makanan. Karena itu sudah beberapa kali saya mendapat job ini terutama untuk cafe dan juga restoran. Baru-baru ini saya mengerjakan sebuah sesi pemotretan dengan sebuah restoran masakan Bali yang berlokasi di Pacific Place di Jakarta. Bernama Le Seminyak yang memadukan konsep masakan Bali yang tradisional, tapi disajikan secara modern.

(There is not many people have food photography as their profession. Because of that, I have got projects to capture food pictures for café or restaurant several times. Lately, I worked for a restaurant which is specified in Balinese food. It is located in Pacific Palace Jakarta, called Le Seminyak. They serve traditional Balinese food in modern style.)
So friends, if you do not sure yet what you want to capture, just take food for your object. Hope you are lucky!!
Here some examples of the picture (By Toni Wahid and other photographers)