Nov 28, 2011


Everyone has something that really worth for them. It can be a memorable thing. I have a really cute doll. Its name is Snoop-snoop.
May be I have to explain why I call it Snoop-snoop first. Have you ever watched Snoopy-a cartoon movie?  My favorite doll is a character of that movie. It is Snoopy, a dog which wears dark blue sweater. I do not want to call it Snoopy because that name does not sound cute for me. Beside that, I just want my doll have a name that makes people eager to know what is that exactly.
Snoop-snoop has been with me since I was at five-grade in elementary school. My mother bought it for me, and it was not in a special occasion. I mean I did not get it as my birthday present or something like that. My mother just bought it, gave it to me and that is all. However, I really feel that it is special. The reason might be the fame of Snoopy at that time.
I have different reason if you ask me now. It is special because when I look its feature, I remember something that happened in the past. It reminds me about my feeling when I had my first boy friend, graduated from my junior high school, or lost contact with my best friend. It is not the only one reason, Snoop-snoop has soft fur and I feel warm when I hug it. I can hug it when I am happy or sad. It is always beside me, and will not laugh on me when my eyes are swollen after crying.
Snoop-snoop figure is like a little child with Snoopy face. It has round black nose, narrow eyes, long black ears and really soft fur. It wears dark blue sweater with pocket at right and left side. I usually put my cell phone in its pocket before I am going to sleep.
So, Snoop-snoop is not just a doll. It is a kind of unlived friend for me. It is really worth.